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The Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association


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  • 16 Jan 2015 10:19 PM | Anonymous

    Until now, the only way for MAWCA members to communicate with each other was face-to-face at our conference and regional meetings. Otherwise, communication had to originate centrally, for instance from our listserve.

    We will continue to send out a monthly e-mail newsletter. And we will continue to hold face-to-face meetings.

    But now each member can use the Member Directory (hover over the Members link above) to find colleagues. For instance, you can search for colleagues who work in the same setting. Or you can search for colleagues in your city or state. You can email your colleagues through the portal, though member emails are kept private.

    Please send us your feedback if there is a member search feature you would like to see. In the early stages, it's also reasonable for us to add fields to our data collection. Is there something you would like to know about your colleagues? We added data collection on roles and settings. What else would be helpful to you? Contact Margaret Ervin mervin@wcupa.edu if you have suggestions about how to improve the members section of our portal.

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Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association

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