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The Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association


This year's 2017 MAWCA keynote speaker is Dr. Stephanie Vie, Associate Professor at the University of Central Florida.  Her work primarily focuses on the construction of digital identities in social media spaces as well as critical approaches to composing technologies such as plagiarism detection services. Her work on games, gaming, and gamification is well published, appearing in journals such as Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy; Communication Design Quarterly; and Computers and Composition. 

Pokemon Go is R.A.D.: How Game Studies and Writing Center Research Can Learn from Each Other

Augmented reality games like Pokemon Go and Ingress, and augmented reality apps such as Zombies, Run and Geocaching bring the virtual world and the offline world together. In doing so, players and participants must negotiate the constantly shifting reality that surrounds them—a game space that incorporates real-world elements such as roads, location markers, and points of interest along with game play elements that can include digital monsters, treasures, and challenges. 

What can writing centers learn from augmented reality games and those who play them? What connections are there between writing center work and game studies research? In this talk, Stephanie Vie will explore the intersections of game studies research and writing center research, specifically attending to the continued emphasis on R.A.D. research: Replicable, Aggregable, and Data-Driven scholarship.  Through engaging examples drawn from sites of games research such as Reddit, she will showcase that R.A.D. research can cross boundaries to bring these two areas of study together.

MAWCA is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity. 
Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association

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