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The Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association

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USNA Job Announcement

21 Feb 2020 2:00 PM | Anonymous

Here's an opportunity to apply to serve as a part-time professional tutor at the Naval Academy's Writing Center!  The successful candidate will begin August 2020.

All applicants must at least have an M.A. in a writing-intensive field; it is preferred for applicants to also have experience teaching on the college level and working in a Writing Center setting. 

The hourly pay here is competitive, and the students are stellar. It's a fast-paced environment--we often have a wait for walk-ins--so applicants should be ready for a fun and exciting challenge. Please see the following link for more details and application instructions: [https://www.usna.edu/HRO/jobinfo/WritingTutor-AY20.php](https://www.usna.edu/HRO/jobinfo/WritingTutor-AY20.php)

MAWCA is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity. 
Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association

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