Note to Applicants: Scholarships are awarded to groups or to individual presenters. Applying as a group means that your group members are part of a collaborative session (such as a group-created study, a fishbowl, or a group-organized panel). In that case, please only submit one application for the group. Only members who are presenting AND included on the application will be given funding. Applying as an individual means that your presentation is independent of others', whether you present individually or as part of a panel. In that case, please submit one application for yourself. Other panel members should also apply as individuals. Professionals who are not presenting but attending MAWCA for the first time can also apply for a scholarship.
All applicants will be assessed on the overall quality of the application and how it specifically addresses these areas: adherence to the conference theme, the potential for contribution of new research, and the extent to which the project and participants bring new perspectives and voices to MAWCA. Consider keeping in mind these criteria as you complete the scholarship application. Awardees will be notified before the early registration deadline.
The scholarship committee does not have access to applicants' conference proposals. Please address the audience accordingly.
Click on the button to the left to apply for a scholarship.
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